The Role of the Immune System in Diabetes

The Immune System and Diabetes When it comes to understanding diabetes, it’s not just about understanding blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. Instead, it involves understanding a more complex pathology,…

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Preexisting Diabetes and Pregnancy

Pregnancy with Preexisting Diabetes For someone living with preexisting diabetes that is planning to start a family, it’s important first to understand the risks and challenges associated with this condition…

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The Role of Gut Hormones in Diabetes

The Role of Gut Hormones In the complex condition of diabetes, gut hormones have emerged as key players in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. The hormones Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1), Ghrelin,…

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What Diabetes Does to the Brain

Diabetes and the Brain Diabetes has become a global health concern, affecting hundreds of millions of individuals worldwide. This metabolic disorder, characterized by high blood sugar levels, not only affects…

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How Diabetes Impacts Bone Health

Bone Health and Diabetes Hyperglycemia, commonly characterized by chronically high blood sugar levels, is a hallmark characteristic of diabetes. It occurs when the body cannot regulate glucose levels properly, leading…

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The Impact of Diabetes on Oral Health

Diabetes and Oral Health Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects about 415 million individuals worldwide. While its impact on blood sugar regulation is widely known, the connection between diabetes…

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Oral Hypoglycemic Agents in Type 2 Diabetes

Oral Hypoglycemic Agents The management of diabetes involves a combination of lifestyle modifications and medication. While insulin injections have long been a primary treatment for diabetes, the last decade has…

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Diabetes Management: Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitors

Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitors Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires ongoing monitoring and management to maintain blood sugar levels within a healthy range. Two vital tools that…

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The Link Between Diabetes and Obesity

Diabetes and Obesity Obesity has become a global health concern, with its prevalence on the rise in recent years. Alongside this increasing epidemic, the incidence of diabetes has also gone…

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The Impact of Diabetes on Hearing Loss

Diabetes and Hearing Loss Diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, can have a profound impact on various organs and systems in the body. Among these…

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